Life Community Church is a mobile church that was planted in September 2023. We started in a school cafeteria and now hold services in the local theater. Throughout the week, we rent space from a church in town to have our Life Groups, quarterly events, ministry training, and leadership meetings. We are in the process of looking for a permanent office space and an office assistant.
Since our plant in September of 2023, we have seen: 9 Salvations 9 Baptisms & 2 Rededications We average 75 Sunday morning attendance We average 38 Life Groups (Bible Study) Attendance
Who is Hillsboro? 6,000 residents in Hillsboro 54% claim no church affiliation that's 3200 unreached people in our city 3 in 5 people are unreached or de-churched
We have been in the community living a Real Life on Mission at least 14 times: Painting the Community Food Pantry Hosting a Kid Zone at the Harvest Market Fair Helped provide shoes for the Back to School store Raked and picked up sticks throughout the city, etc.....
Why a NEW church is needed: Hillsboro has not seen a new church in many, many years. A new church can bring new ideas to the whole body of Christ; they are a good way to build strong and creative leaders. They challenge other churches to self-examine, and they can become an "evangelistic feeder" for the whole community.
Currently, 11 churches serve Hillsboro, and still, 54% of people are lost. Dozens of studies have confirmed that the average new church gains 60-80% of its members from people who are not attending any worshipping body. WE ARE NEEDED!